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作者: 时间:2009-11-28 浏览:
英语系特邀请美国韦恩州立大学孔子学院院长John Brender博士来我院举办关于孔子学院及中美文化价值观的讲座,欢迎全院师生踊跃参加。
题目: The Twain Meet Here: At the Crossroad of Chinese and American Values
What is it like to work at a desk where East meets West? John Brender, Director of the Wayne State University-HUST Confucius Institute, administers programs promoting Chinese language and culture in Detroit, Michigan. In this presentation, Dr. Brender offers his observations and experiences dealing with the often-conflicting values attributable to China and the U.S.
The Wayne State University-HUST Confucius Institute
Learn about the multitude of programs promoting Chinese language and culture offered at the Wayne State University-HUST Confucius Institute in Detroit, Michigan.
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