题目:The essence of educational research: A teacher educators epiphany
讲座题目:Psycholinguistic Inquiries into Translation and Interpreting
讲座时间:2016年3月24日(星期四)下午 4:00 – 5:30
Early substantial research on translation process can be traced back to the 1980s in Europe. With the development of computational technology, process-oriented translation research has undergone a step-change in its research methodology, with the introduction of each new method visibly moving the research field up to a new and higher level. In this talk, the speaker will firstly provide an introductory discussion on the input of psycholinguistics into translation and interpreting studies with reference to Holmes’ (1972/2000) “founding statement”, then turn to the methodological issues by introducing a variety of data collections methods, such as think-aloud protocols, key-stroke logging, eye-tracking, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, as well as their applicability and ecological validity issues. Several case studies applying the above-mentioned methods, such as sight translating metaphorical expressions, eye-tracking and key-logging translation revision process, will be presented thereafter. The talk will end up with an introduction of the speaker’s current interdisciplinary project on Neuro-cognitive studies in T & I, which applies fMRI, the state-of-the-art technology in neuroscience, into the study of the translating brain.
Dr Binghan Zheng is the Chairman of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society, and a By-fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge University. He is a Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director of Postgraduate Studies at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, and the Director of Centre for Intercultural Mediation at Durham University. He also works as a visiting Professor at University of International Business and Economics and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, as well as a Senior Research Fellow at Communication University of China. His research interest mainly focuses on translation theories, cognitive linguistics and international Chinese education. He has published widely in high impact journals, such as Babel, Perspectives, Translation & Interpreting Studies, Asia-pacific Translation & Intercultural Studies, Foreign Language Teaching & Research, and Journal of Foreign Languages. He is currently working on an interdisciplinary project on “Neuro-cognitive studies of translation and interpreting”, and editing (as guest editor) a special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies (John Benjamins) “Towards a Comparative Studies of Translation and Interpreting Studies”.